Becca Klaver

Trying To Talk With My Teenage Self

Beyond the house      a ravine      beyond the ravine a cliff      a beach      a lake
To cross the ravine a felled tree      to cross the cliff stone steps      to cross the lake God by your side

I took myself on journeys I did not want to take      Motion deemed necessary and now it is fact
Now I am the fact of it      dense & smooth      shored stone fact      teeny tide fact

All breeds of propulsion

Constantly blowing off stasis      Will not return her continuous call      Was sixteen & queenly and am still
Who made gravity       I made gravity      Time to give it up      but even my dreams won't let me

New room        Now-room      Squinting can't tell the difference      still pink      still shuffling mantras
counting down from seven million      posing for the grand finale       as in Then-Room

(All those lost years)

Whence urge      to be strapped to a rocket      Whence idea comfort zone is no-fly zone
Idea      that Westward Ho of Progress      of Self      Ideal of Self-Progress

Switch off the conjure-tunes      hear Now outside the door      hear my Love      hear my Blessings
Technicolor buds bursting in unison      the choir hits the high note

Who made spring      I made Spring

I'm no boom-pow girl      No zip-line virtuoso      I'm counting down      spit-polishing the prototypes

© 2006  Becca Klaver